This blog post, authored by Joe Stone, was originally written for and published by Jam Street Media on Sept 24, 2019 , and is no longer publicly available.
The Branded Podcast Insider
In this week’s blog, we talk about the power of storytelling, the latest podcast news, and our featured branded Podcast of The Week.

There’s no doubt that we live in an entertainment-driven society. But what is it that really entertains us and grabs our attention though? Is it the imagery? The personalities?
When you boil it all down, it’s the stories. This applies to not just movies or books, but to all things that grab and hold our attention - ad inserts, 30-second commercials, or Game of Thrones (except for season 8). Essentially as brand marketers, we need to apply the same techniques to capture and hold the attention of your followers. Tell them a story and entertain them!
Don’t take my word for it.
The advertising industry has even begun to catch on. If you’ve been following the events at Advertising Week in New York - wait, you haven’t? That’s okay, I got ya, fam. Anyhow, at the annual event held in New York, Ad Age quoted former Hearst chief content editor Joanna Coles as saying, “People hate advertising, they fucking hate it, and it’s all advertising's fault.” She went on to say that it’s due to oversaturation and that consumers are skipping ads and subscribing to ad-free content because of it.
So what’s the solution?
At the same event, Procter & Gamble Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard said, “We need to move the ad world out of its own world, and blend it with filmmaking, journalism, technology, music, comedy and just storytelling.”
Psst. He forgot to mention podcasts.
National Lampoon is back! Some of us are old enough to remember the classic movies like Animal House, Vacation, Loaded Weapon 1, and Van Wilder. Now, on its 50th anniversary (50th!?), the comedy house that got its start in radio is moving into podcasts with the expected 2020 release of, National Lampoon Radio Hour: The Podcast.
Evan Shapiro, TV producer and recently named president of National Lampoon alluded to the announcement in a recent tweet naming off who was going to be a part of the cast.
Morning Brew, a popular email subscription newsletter (1.5 million subscribers) known for its quippy rundown of the previous day's business and tech news has launched a podcast of its own. Business Casual, hosted by Kinsey Grant, goes more in-depth with this weekly podcast and will feature interviews with leaders in the business and tech world.
This just in. US Bank has jumped on the podcast train. CHOO CHOO. They recently partnered with TuneIn to create The Save Space podcast that helps us everyday folks learn how to budget, save, and spend our money wisely.
What's new on Jam Street!
Recently, Matty, our beloved commander-in-chief, went on the Sound In Marketing podcast and talked with Jeanna Isham about what podcasting can do for brands. Take a look/listen.

This podcast hosted by Michael Stelzner comes from and is something I stumbled upon a couple of months ago. I can’t say enough good things about it. If your brand is stumbling through the social media landscape (or jungle as they say) trying to make sense of it all -- or if you’re just looking to stay smart on the subject for your personal or business brand, this podcast is for you.
It’s a 45-minute weekly podcast that features interviews with experts in social media tactics and goes into subjects like how to advertise on each platform, new social media features, and how to create videos among many other things. Stelzner goes into each podcast well prepared and does remarkably well at keeping his interviewee on track, guiding them through their key talking points, and getting clarification when needed. His interview skills are impressive.
This is a very easy podcast to digest for even the most inexperienced of social media.
With each podcast episode, they also publish a complimentary blog post that covers the entire episode, so if there’s something that you missed or need clarification on, you can reference it without having to skip back through the episode or take notes while you’re doing other things.
Check it out below! If you're a mobile user and the player doesn't load, go here.
Got a story idea or want your podcast featured on the weekly Branded Podcast Insider?